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Galleri trial is back in Hulme Posted or Updated on 4 Jul 2022

Participants in the world’s largest trial of a revolutionary new blood test, GalleriTM, which can detect more than 50 types of cancer often before symptoms appear, have been receiving invites to visit the testing site at Hulme Retail Park in Manchester as the trial returns to the area.

Selected residents aged 50-77 in Manchester who have received a letter from the NHS inviting them to participate in the NHS-Galleri trial are being urged to book their appointment and take part before the mobile clinic leaves on 9 July.
The trial team is keen to attract participants from different background and ethnicities to ensure results are relevant for as many different people as possible.

Our cancer lead and local GP, Dr Sarah Taylor said: “The Galleri-test is groundbreaking because it has the potential to spot cancers long before symptoms even appear. Diagnosing cancer as early as possible means patients can start treatment before their cancer progresses and improve chances of survival.

We are delighted that the trial has been able to return to Manchester, and I would encourage anyone who is invited to take part, to please do so as soon as possible. This is your chance to be part of some ground-breaking work to develop a test that has the potential to save lives, in Manchester, across the UK and the rest of the world”.